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In memory of Jim WA1TBY (December 19, 2000)

Jim, WA1TBY, was one of the best traffic handlers that ever came along. He was a Chief Radioman in the U.S.Navy, and loved CW the best. Jim sponsored lots of training nets over the years, and he contributed so much that it's hard to mention everything.

I've heard it said that Jim could sit with his feet up on his desk, watch TV, and send traffic at the same time. I wouldn't doubt that a bit. He was quick to correct any mistakes you might make in proceedure, but he was gentle about it, and it was seldom that you could pass traffic to Jim without learning something that made you better at it.

Jim was the East Mass Section Traffic Manager until his illness took him from us. Bill, NZ1D, picked up where Jim left off, and I know he will do just fine. Those are very big shoes to fill, so I hope everyone will do what you can to help Bill. I found out what it's like to fill Jim's shoes when I took over his CW scheds for EMRI, and thanks to all who have helped. It's not easy.

One of Jim's favorite expressions was: God Bless the NTS. God did most certainly bless the NTS and all of us when he gave us Jim WA1TBY.

Charles N1WAS
CM2MN Net Manager

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